Thursday, April 29, 2010


ONWARD AND WALKING-yes, yesterday, Wednesday, Erik and I arrived at his new private room to see him sitting in a chair, a little weary, but alert and he had walked unassisted 20 yards down the hall and 20 yards back..

Was breathing on his own with trach collar 16 hours the day before, and was on again all day yesterday-once he can go the full 24 hours, he will officially be "off vent" and on to more rehab--still a little dialysis now and then as he produces so much fluid. They plan to do a scope of his stomach to assess a little bleeding there-may be a "peptic ulcer", but that would not surprise me after many thousands of $ of prescription drugs they have plied him with!
He wants the scope to have all answers he can. Fragile, but strong, good in mind, determined, and progressing slowly but surely..ERIK was terrific with him-helped him back into bed, cheered him up so, and is on top of everything. Bodily, they are alike so that is good too as Erik does a lot of homework about technical things in every direction. Meanwhile, I had such good conversations again with him, learning more and more how smart and valuable he is to his clients, and moving into some cybercrime he also understands-could be a good complement to his ongoing business. And we enjoy a little dinner on way back, sitting on the patio looking at florida sun setting--not so bad.
ONWARD and more walking--still a long way to go-
Enjoy your florida day, where ever you are-such a beautiful time of year.

1 comment:

  1. Great news! So happy he is up and about a bit now, and every day that will make him a little stronger. His determination and good spirits are a big plus in his recovery. Hope the "sunny days" continue. Y'all hang in there and keep cheer! Bunches of love, Kent & Sharon
