Wednesday, April 7, 2010


It's Another Good Day-alert, stable, fully aware, writing a little to communicate, and though a little bored, resting well and all are pleased. As to the SCAN-there was no word on any result late this afternoon from yesterday morning, so all are concluding that it was fine--but we shall confirm such of course. Cardiologist lady was there-I had met her before-and she said he looked so much better and couldn't imagine there were any problems--his heart rate now is perfect. So we are beginning to count the flowers and days until any kind of normalcy returns-but no one knows when--he needs to get a bit stronger to begin weaning off the vent and that is the next major step and from there, the stairway climbs!
It's a grueling trip over to Tampa, but always worth it; and I combine it with other things including a good appointment at a new hotel expansion this morning. Plus the Orlando Magic are calling me so there may be some opportunity there with the new arena--but no purchase orders yet!
Beautiful evening, and I feel good!


  1. Glad all continues to go well and another good day for Tom! AWESOME! Look forward to the day he is out of ICU and up and about again! Lv, Kent & Sharon

  2. It's always nice to see a good report. I imagine he will be very glad to get off the vent--that will be a big step forward. What a journey this has been, but so nice each day seems to be a step forward! Thanks for sharing. Love, Donna & John
