Sunday, April 4, 2010


HURRAY-alert and waiting for Erik and I to arrive, glasses on, smile on face, just terrific-wanted to clarify just where he was, how he got there, and what was going on-Erik was so delighted to see him so normal and he was thrilled to see us both-spent quite alot of time, and surely love his nurse June who is so tuned in to his PROGRESS rather than more worried about his illnesses-she does the minimal to help him get more independent and we all like that.
Now tomorrow they will take him to big hospital for CT scan of his abdomen to make sure there is nothing abnormal, so we all cross our fingers-there is still so much drainage out of the wound area.
Still on trach of course, but the goal is to get him stronger and begin to truly wean him off, get him speaking again--all a challenge, but doable.

We so enjoyed our time with him and know it meant alot to him too-again, we entertained the little ICU area and had lotsa gibittzes and facial expressions-was terrific. Beautiful day in florida-one step at a time onward. Love to all

Hi Dad!
Good to see
you so perky


  1. WOW! That is awesome news! Tom is amazing! All he has been through and he keeps coming out on top! That is so great! I'm sure it was a happy day for you all. We are thrilled too. He certainly doesn't lack for a "cheering section". Give him a high 5 from us. Now we just hope the good news keeps coming. Will be anxious for news tomorrow. Sweet dreams & good night! Lv, Kent & Sharon

  2. We, too, are delighted at the good news. I can just picture him entertaining everyone with that "Tom" twinkle in his eyes!! So nice to have good news. We just got back from a day with Todd and Shanna--so nice to be with them. We'll be heading back to Iowa a week from Tuesday--sounds like summer there, too. So nice to read this blog--hopefully there will be continuing good news. Much love and care to all........Donna & John

  3. We're adding our best wishes too - good news!! Thanks so much for taking the time to keep us to you, Ivan & Norma

  4. Thank you all for the well wishes. It helps that we, too, have a cheering section. Your love and continued support helps us to keep strong so we can bring him home. Love to you all!

