Monday, May 3, 2010


WHAT A WEEK-we saw him yesterday and he was TALKING for real--looked great, skinnier than before, and all vital signs are stable and he is totally breathing on his own now and VENT is gone--so TODAY he is to do a swallow test to make sure it goes into his stomach and he will begin eating soft foods--hurray-dreaming of cheeseburgers and has forgotten what they taste like! Erik was dumbfounded to hear his voice and it made Erik's whole day! We instantly called Jon and he talked to Jon at length-another great moment!
With balloons and red geraniums gracing his room from Kent and Sharon with love, it was a beautiful afternoon in so many ways. I brought him his cellphone and charger-he told me to charge his phone and I said it didn't need to be charged, but he insisted--I looked at him sweetly and asked "do you want to argue?" and he so sweetly looked back at me and said-"I don't want to argue any more-I made that decision" and I was so touched..
He is determined to have a busy week and he loves his therapist who walks him, and he told us he begged her not to let him "fail" and she promised he wouldn't-he is so determined now to get well, and he is making great strides. Dr. Edwards, his favorite kidney doctor in Orlando whom we love, called me Saturday noon to see how he was, and was ecstatic that he was talking and walking--it gives a doctor great satisfaction, and I shall never forget his comment--"When the mind is all in tact, then the body follows behind"--and that is truly the case here-he told me to tell him to keep fighting for "both of us"-Dr. Edwards and Tom!!
IT WAS A GREAT DAY IN EVERY WAY-love to all, and thanks to all. He may be calling YOU!
His cellphone no. is 321-947-0704, but cellphones are not promoted in the hospital, so I shall caution all to be sparing--I even have trouble getting through because they are always doing something, but I also know how thrilled he is to be connected back to the world!
He asked Erik a lot of questions again, and he surely doesn't remember much of the first long episode of all this, but now grasps most all and is very aware it is MAY already-we need a vacation!


  1. SO THRILLED WITH TOM'S GREAT PROGRESS!!! That is so awesome! WOW! GREAT NEWS!!! We'll be giving him a call soon to chat. Lots of love to both of you, Kent & Sharon

  2. It's almost impossible to realize how well the body can fight to heal itself--can hardly believe the progress Tom has made in the last two weeks! We are so happy for you all and hoping that it continues. I hope you took him his little "Luck of the Irish" bouquet, although I think he's benefitting from pluck and desire more than luck! Anyway, always eager to see what is posted and delighted when the news is good. Hugs to you all, Donna & John
