Saturday, May 22, 2010


JON is here and it is wonderful-we had a good time last night eating and talking at the house as a family,and this morning, Jon and I went to Hospital to be with Tom-again, he had little sleep as they interrupt every hour or less to test him/lab him etc., but he was so glad to see Jon. He was sitting up in chair, had eaten a good breakfast-
We plan to go back later today, with Erik too, to see him again-Jon sees the vision of "health" and that is the goal, no matter how crooked the path, how long it takes-let's hope that is all achievable. When we came down to hospital lobby, there was a bomb scare in the medical area and we were not allowed to leave with police blockades every where-but finally, we went and still do not know what nutcase caused that! One never knows these days.
So we shall venture back, and again tomorrow before Jon leaves Monday for work-cheerio to all-


  1. I'm sure this is a very special week-end with all of your family together! Tom must be enjoying it immensely and a real bright spot for him! Is he still in ICU? HI to all and have a wonderful week-end together! Lots of love, Kent & Sharon

  2. Special hugs to Jon--so glad he could come and what a boost for you & Tom. I like Jon's vision of "health"--picture it and it will come! I'm glad to hear Tom is eating well--that will be a joy to him if the food tastes good. Enjoy your family time--there is nothing quite like it!
    Lotsa love, Donna & John
