Wednesday, March 31, 2010


UH-OH--rollercoaster down-two very sleepy days after an event Monday night where his heartrate plummeted to 39, !! possibly due to some heart medicine--bad day for me; not very happy seeing him todayafter seeing him so terrific Monday--met with admission staff and case management people, nurse is very nice, but learned very little--left calls for 2 doctors and heard from neither--rather than cry, I'll stay quiet, awaiting news and perhaps better turnaround--our favorite doctors in Orlando are both on vacation this week with family, so I feel a bit lonely with no one to talk with-
so I'll stay quiet, sleep tight and hope..


  1. Marilyn, We're so sorry it wasn't a better day! Too bad you weren't able to talk to the doctors and get some reassurance. Hope you will hear from them tomorrow, and it will be a better day! Wish we were there with you again! Hang in there and know you are in our thoughts and prayers! Lots of love & hugs, Sharon & Kent

  2. Oh, I was so sorry to hear of the down day. That is really too bad, but glad it seems to have stabilized again. There may be other days like that and you will feel it's two steps forward and one step back, but he IS so much better and we're grateful. This blog is so helpful to keep posted--will try and talk with you tomorrow. Keep cheer and know how much we all care!! Lotsa love, Donna & John
